Help Me Be Healthy – I am 2.5

Help Me Be Healthy I Am 2.5

Please let me decide when I have had enough to eat

  • I feed myself and use a spoon. I hold my cup with one hand. I feel proud.
  • I want to learn about food. Please serve me foods I like along with a new food. You may need to offer me a new food 10 times before I will try it. This is normal.
  • Don’t worry if I don’t eat a meal or snack. I will eat more on some days than others. Please don’t beg me to eat or x other foods for me.
  • Please don’t force me to eat or make me “clean my plate.”
  • I need some fat. You can put margarine, cheese, or a little peanut butter on my foods. Or let me dip my vegetables in salad dressing. A little sugar is okay, but not very much.

Let’s stay on schedule

If a meal or nap is late, I get too hungry or tired. I might throw

a tantrum. I don’t know how to wait.

  • Offer me 3 meals and 2 or 3 healthy snacks every day. Try to have them at the same times.
  • When we are away from home, please take a snack for me. We can sit and eat WIC cereal or some crackers.
  • Find a quiet place for my nap. Read my favorite book until I fall asleep.

Give me water when I ask for a drink.

Make our family meals relaxed

  • I want to copy what you do and be just like you. If you make healthy choices and try new foods, I will do it too.
  • I like to be with you. Please make time to eat with me. Can we turn o all our TVs and cell phones while we eat? I like it when you talk to me during meals.
  • I still need to sit while I eat and drink so I don’t choke. Put me in my highchair or booster seat at the table with our family. I can eat most foods you do—I want to be just like you!
  • Sometimes I like eating with my fingers. I like using my spoon and fork, too. I may still be messy when I eat. This is how I learn to feed myself.
  • Let’s both wash our hands before and after we eat.

Every day off me:


6 servings of grain

½  slice bread or ½ tortilla

¼ cup cooked cereal, rice, or noodles

½ cup cold cereal

2 to 3 small crackers

Half the grains I eat should be whole grains.


4 servings of vegetables

  • ¼  cup chopped, cooked vegetables
  • 2 ounces vegetable or tomato juice

Offer me a dark green or orange vegetable every day.


4 servings of fruits

  • ¼  cup fruit
  • 2 ounces 100% fruit juice

Offer me a vitamin C fruit every day— oranges, strawberries, or WIC juice.

No more than 4 ounces of juice a day.


4 servings of protein

  • 2 tablespoons meat, chicken, turkey, or fish
  • ½ egg
  • 2 tablespoons beans or tofu
  • ½ tablespoon peanut butter

Beans, meat, chicken, turkey, and fish, give me lots of iron to keep my blood strong.


4 servings of dairy

  • 4 ounces nonfat or 1% milk
  • ½ cup lowfat yogurt
  • 1 slice lowfat cheese

No more than 16 ounces of milk a day.

WIC gives me lowfat milk. It’s what I need.

Fats, Oils & Sweets

Only a little bit

Let’s cook

Oatmeal with Brown Sugar

½ cup lowfat or nonfat milk, 1 packet Quaker Instant Oatmeal® 1 teaspoon brown sugar

Combine milk and oats in a large microwave safe bowl. Microwave on high for 1 to 2 minutes. Carefully remove hot bowl from the microwave. Add sugar and stir. Cool for several minutes before serving. Makes ½  cup or 2 servings.

Stir raisins or chopped bananas.  Delicious!

I want to help

I want to please you. Here are ways I can help. Please say you are proud of me.

  • I can put foods in the basket when we shop. Let’s talk about why they are good for me and how they help me be healthy.
  • Can I decide the vegetable for dinner? Show me 2 vegetables. Ask me which vegetable we should choose.
  • I might not be neat, but I am doing my best. Sometimes I drop things because my fingers are still small.
  • When I help you, I feel good. I will probably eat better, too!

Look what I can do

  • I like to sing! Teach me a song we can sing together. We can make up a song, too.
  • I open cabinets and turn knobs. I want to know how things work.
  • Watch out! I can reach the stove. Turn pot handles to the back.

Let’s play

  • I run, jump, and climb. Play in the park with me. Let’s walk to the library to read a book.
  • Play makes me forget I am hungry. I may not want to stop for a meal.
  • Tell me we will eat soon. Let me draw a picture or work a puzzle while I wait.
  • 20 minutes is enough time at the table for me. When I am full, let me go back and play.

Keep me safe and healthy

  • At my checkup with the doctor, ask if I need a lead test.
  • Keep me away from tobacco smoke, matches, and lighters.
  • Watch me in the tub or near water.
  • Keep cords up so I can’t pull on them.
  • Lock up cleaners, sprays, and medicines.
  • Buckle me into a child safety seat before I ride in the car.
  • Keep my screen time to an hour a day.

Help me take care of my teeth

  • Please take me to a dentist to be sure my teeth are healthy.
  • Brush my teeth, front and back, 2 times a day.
  • Use a small, soft toothbrush and a pea size amount of fluoride toothpaste.
  • Start to floss my teeth for me.
  • Don’t share forks or spoons with me. It spreads germs that can cause cavities.
  • Please help me use a cup just like yours.

Utah WIC Program 1-877-WIC-KIDS

or 1-877-942-5437

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