Just for dads

Utah State University (USU) Extension – HealthyRelationshipsUtah.org provides free, research-based relationship education courses for couples, singles, parents, and stepfamilies. They offer fatherhood-specific programs to help fathers learn the skills to become the best parent they can be and to most fully enjoy that role. Read more about these programs here. To sign up for the free fatherhood and parenting classes, click here.

Fatherhood provides information and support for fathers raising children with special health care needs and developmental disabilities.

Fatherville is a resource for fathers, by fathers, and about fathers. They are here to encourage and support dads as they make their journey down the road called fatherhood.

Father Work provides stories, ideas, and activities to encourage generative fathering.

National Center for Fathers is filled with practical advice for dads. It’s especially useful for first-time dads.