Help Me Be Healthy – I am 2

Help Me Be Healthy I Am 2

You can trust me to eat the right amount

  • You decide what healthy foods to offer me. I decide which of these foods to eat, and how much.
  • You help me learn to love healthy food.
  • Offer me foods from the 5 food groups.
  • Offer me 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks every day. Try to have them around the same time each day.
  • My tummy is still little. Start with small portions — 2 or 3 tablespoons of each food. If I am still hungry, I will let you know I want more.
  • Don’t worry if I don’t eat. I will eat more on some days than others.
  • If I won’t eat, please do not beg or force me.

Please let me pick from 2 healthy foods.  Ask me:

Do you want pears or peaches? Do you want yogurt or cheese?  That is how I learn to make choices.

Offer me safe foods

  • I am old enough for peanut butter now! Spread a little bit on bread so I don’t choke.
  • Give me foods that are bite sized and soft enough for me to chew easily.
  • Don’t give me foods that I can choke on: raw hard vegetables, whole grapes, spoonfuls of peanut butter, chips, nuts, popcorn, dried fruits, hot dogs, chunks of meat, or hard candy.
  • Cut grapes and hot dogs the long way.

Help me to like new foods

  • Keep offering me new foods along with foods I already like, but please don’t force me to eat them. It might take many tries before I taste the new food. I might even like it!
  • I change my mind a lot. I like a food today, but not tomorrow. I might ask for only one food. This is normal. It won’t last long.

Make our family meals relaxed

  • I like to be with you. Let’s enjoy eating together. Please turn o all our TVs and cell phones, and take away things that might distract me.
  • I do best when I sit to eat or drink. Put me in my highchair or booster seat at the table with our family.
  • I can eat most of our family foods, just like you. You don’t need to x special meals for me.
  • Put a little of each food on my plate. I love my small plate, cup, fork, and spoon. They are just the right size for me.

Let me be hungry for healthy food

  • Do not let me have food or sweet drinks between meals and snacks.
  • Do not let me ll up on juice, tea, punch, soda, or even too much milk.
  • Give me water to drink between meals.

Every day off me:


6 servings of grain

½  slice bread or ½ tortilla

¼ cup cooked cereal, rice, or noodles

½ cup cold cereal

2 to 3 small crackers

Half the grains I eat should be whole grains.


4 servings of vegetables

  • ¼ cup chopped, cooked vegetables
  • 2 ounces vegetable or tomato juice

Offer me a dark green or orange vegetable every day.


4 servings of fruits

  • ¼ cup fruit
  • 2 ounces 100% fruit juice

Offer me a vitamin C fruit every day— oranges, strawberries, or WIC juice.

No more than 4 ounces of juice a day.


4 servings of protein

  • 2 tablespoons meat, chicken, turkey, or fish
  • ½ egg
  • 2 tablespoons beans or tofu
  • ½ tablespoon peanut butter

Beans, meat, chicken, turkey, and fish, give me lots of iron to keep my blood strong.


4 servings of dairy

  • 4 ounces nonfat or 1% milk
  • ½ cup lowfat yogurt
  • 1 slice lowfat cheese

No more than 16 ounces of milk a day.

WIC gives me lowfat milk. It’s what I need.

Fats, Oils & Sweets

Only a little bit

Let’s eat


¼ cup oatmeal

¼ chopped banana

4 ounces nonfat or 1% milk

Morning Snack

3 animal crackers, 4 ounces nonfat or 1% milk


½ cup macaroni and cheese

¼ cup green beans

¼ cup mandarin oranges

4 ounces nonfat or 1% milk

Afternoon Snack

½ tablespoon peanut butter

½ slice whole grain bread

¼ cup chopped carrots

3 ounces of water


2 tablespoons chopped hamburger

¼ cup corn

½ slice whole grain bread

¼ cup sliced strawberries

4 ounces nonfat or 1% milk

Evening Snack

½ cup vanilla pudding

I am learning

  • Please don’t worry if I get messy. This is how I learn to feed myself.
  • I like new words. Point to foods and help me name them. Teach me the colors of foods.
  • I like to copy what you do. Let’s wash our hands before and after we eat.

We can use MyPlate to make healthy meals like this!

Look what I can do

  • I like to do things for myself. Please say you are proud of me.
  • I can build a tower out of blocks.
  • I love to run, jump, and climb. Please watch me and keep me safe.
  • I am learning new words. I can even put words together like “Want snack, Mommy” or “Where ball, Daddy?” Talk, sing, or read to me so I can learn more. Teach me the names of things like elbows, knees, and toes.

Let’s play

  • Let’s go to the playground. Play with me so I stay safe.
  • I want to kick and throw a ball. I like to do it over and over again so I can do it well.
  • When you play with me, I get stronger and smarter.
  • We’ll get to know each other better when we play.

Keep me safe and healthy

  • Take me to the doctor for my checkup. Ask if I need a lead test.
  • Buckle me into my child safety seat in the car.
  • I get into things to learn about my world. Let me learn but keep me safe. Lock up cleaners, sprays, and medicines.

Look how many teeth I have

  • Brush my teeth, front and back, 2 times a day.
  • Use a small toothbrush with soft bristles and a pea size amount of fluoride toothpaste.
  • Do not share food, spoons, or forks with me. Taking things from your mouth and putting them in mine spreads germs that can give me cavities.
  • Take me to the dentist to keep my teeth strong and healthy.
  • Please help me give up my sippy cup and use a big kid cup instead.

Utah WIC Program 1-877-WIC-KIDS

or 1-877-942-5437

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