Help Me Be Healthy – I am 3.5

Help Me Be Healthy I Am 3.5

My stomach is still little

  • Start with about 3 tablespoons of each food. Let me ask for more.
  • I like to make some choices. Let me choose between healthy foods.
  • I get hungry between meals. A healthy snack helps me get what I need to grow and learn. Pick foods from the 5 food groups.
  • Don’t worry if I don’t eat a meal or snack. I will eat more on some days than others. Please don’t beg me to eat or x other food for me.
  • Too much sugar fills me up, but does not give me what I need to grow healthy. Please give me fruit to eat. It tastes sweet and is good for me, too.
  • Praise me with words, not food. Do not use food to reward or punish me. These words are the best reward: “I am proud of you!” “You did a good job!” “ Thank you!”

Help me to enjoy vegetables

  • I want to eat foods that taste good and are healthy, so I can play and grow!
  • You are my teacher. If you eat many kinds of vegetables, I will learn from you.
  • Let’s try some raw vegetables. I can eat broccoli flowers dipped in salad dressing.
  • If I am hungry between meals, let me eat some vegetables or fruit.
  • I can learn to eat vegetable soup or salad with dressing. I will be messy. Please tell me you are proud of me for trying

Give me water when I ask for a drink.

Make our family meals relaxed

  • I want to help. Let me set the table with you. I can count the plates, cups, and forks.
  • Please let me serve myself. I can spoon food from a large bowl onto my plate.
  • Please turn o all of our TVs and cell phones while we eat. Let’s focus on our family and our food.
  • It is okay if I don’t eat a food. It takes me many tries to see if I like something. Please be sure to try that food with me again.
  • I need to sit down while I eat or drink. Let me sit in my booster seat at the table.
  • Give me a small spoon or fork and a small plate and cup. I may still be a little messy when I eat. I am learning!
  • Let’s wash our hands together before and after we eat.

Every day offer me:


4-5 servings of grain

1 slice bread or tortilla

½ cup cooked cereal, rice, or noodles

1 cup cold cereal

5 to 7 small crackers

Half the grains I eat should be whole grains.


3-4 servings of vegetables

  • ½ cup vegetables
  • ½ cup vegetable or tomato soup
  • 4 ounces vegetable or tomato juice
  • 1 cup fresh salad greens

Offer me a dark green or orange vegetable every day.


2-3 servings of fruits

  • ½ cup fruit
  • 4 ounces 100% fruit juice

Offer me a vitamin C fruit every day— oranges, strawberries, or WIC juice.

No more than 4 ounces of juice a day.


3-5 servings of protein

  • ¼ cup meat, chicken, turkey, or fish
  • 1 egg
  • ¼ cup beans or tofu
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter

Beans, meat, chicken, turkey, and fish, give me lots of iron to keep my blood strong.


5 servings of dairy

  • 4 ounces nonfat or 1% milk
  • ½ cup lowfat yogurt
  • 1 slice lowfat cheese

No more than 16 ounces of milk a day.

WIC gives me lowfat milk. It’s what I need.

Fats, Oils & Sweets

Only a little bit

Let’s cook

Frozen Banana Treats

1 medium sized banana, peeled 1/4 cup lowfat yogurt, vanilla or flavored 1/4 cup cold cereal such as corn flakes, crushed

Cut banana into 1/2 inch slices. Dip slices in your choice of yogurt. Roll banana pieces in crushed cereal. Place the slices on a cookie sheet then in the freezer. When frozen, store the pieces in a freezer bag. You can eat the banana slices even if they are not frozen.

Makes 2 to 3 servings – 1 serving is 4 to 6 pieces.

I can help in the kitchen

  • I want to help fix a meal or snack. Can we make fun food like a happy face sandwich? Let’s count the raisins in the smile.
  • I can spread butter or peanut butter on bread.
  • Let me put food on the table for lunch or dinner.
  • I like to help clear the table when we finish eating.
  • Let’s wipe off the table when we are done.

Look what I can do

  • I can learn to say “Please” and “Thank you”.
  • I like to pretend. We can play store with empty cereal boxes and egg cartons.
  • I can spread peanut butter on bread.
  • I can pour cereal into a bowl and peel a banana.

Let’s play

  • Let’s jump in and out of a hula hoop.
  • Let’s pretend I can hop like a frog or gallop like a horse.
  • I am ready for a tricycle now.
  • Can we make an obstacle course that I can go over, under, around, and through?
  • Let’s walk to the playground with our friends and swing on the swings.

Playing with me helps me grow smarter, stronger, healthier and happier!

Keep me safe and healthy

  • Hold my hand when we cross the street.
  • Check to see if I need a doctor’s visit and a lead test.
  • Keep me away from tobacco smoke, matches, and lighters.
  • Put sunscreen on me when I play outside.
  • Buckle me into a child safety seat when we ride in a car.
  • Spread peanut butter thinly on bread so I don’t choke. Please cut grapes and hot dogs the long way.

Help me keep my smile bright

  • Take me to the dentist twice a year.
  • Let me start brushing my teeth each day. Then you brush them too, for hard to reach spots.
  • Get me a small toothbrush with soft bristles.
  • I need just a pea size amount of fluoride toothpaste. Remind me to spit out the toothpaste.
  • Please floss my teeth once a day to clean between them.
  • Sugary drinks can hurt my teeth. Let me drink water instead of punch, tea, or soda.

Utah WIC Program 1-877-WIC-KIDS

or 1-877-942-5437

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